We are so proud to have our office featured in San Diego Magazine’s December 2022 issue! Angela is quoted heavily in the article:
“RAD LAB also designed a shipping-container accessory dwelling unit (ADU) for Angela and Cris Noble, who operate the unit as a home office and [guest house] in the backyard of their Talmadge home.
‘I really gravitate towards minimalistic design styles,’ Angela Noble says. ‘I’m not much on that unfinished style that some people choose with containers. Ours is really polished. It looks a bit more finished than some of the more rustic ones you might see.’
A flurry of new laws intended to streamline housing construction have been recently passed in California, including SB9, which makes it easier for homeowners to build ADUs on their property. Depending on the lot size and shape, a modular unit like a shipping container could make sense for adding a pied-à-terre.
‘If your property lends itself to their shape, I think it’s a suitable material,’ Noble says. ‘We commissioned a custom design, which wouldn’t be very cost-effective [in addressing the housing crisis]. We paid for architecture, structural engineering—we did everything. But if there was one design you could recreate hundreds of times, I could see that being a cost-effective solution to help with the housing crisis.’”